Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy Birthday, Leviosa Lacquer!

It's official! As of January 2nd, my blog is one year old. Last year on New Year's Eve I made a commitment to start this blog and post weekly for a whole year, and I am proud to have stuck to that commitment.

This blog didn't get as big as I hoped it would in one year, but it also got much bigger than I thought it would. While the number of readers I receive is typically low, I am constantly blown away by the steady audience I have all over the world. My blog is based in the United States, but I have loyal readers in China, Germany, Thailand, Poland, Ireland, and much, much more. It's hard to fathom that my website gets that much global reach. 

For this next upcoming year, I have some goals and changes that I would like to see happen. I would love to host my first giveaway. Also, after my January edition, I will be doing away with my Color of the Month feature. It did not pull as many views as I would have liked, and honestly the thought of coming up with 12 new birthstone themed manicures makes me want to scratch my eyes out ;P

I'd really like to get more feedback from YOU! I'd like a more interactive blog experience, so I'm going to try to post more questions for you guys to answer in the comments. So, to kick that off, what would you like to see more of on here in 2015? What would you like to see less of? As of now, the only way I can gauge what people like is by view count. I'd really love some more insight on what I can do better to make this more entertaining/informative. 

Finally, I made a little collage of my favorite 12 manicures of 2014. Are there any that you particularly loved that I didn't include? 

Thank you all for your continued support, and don't forget to comment below if you have any suggestions! 

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